Don't be afraid, it's only love.
This song is a long romantic walk between 2 people, but only 1 of them knows about it.
It's the song your stalker dances to as he prepares to drown your pet in his bathtub.
The thing is, the song is so good, you might find yourself developing Stockholm Syndrome.
Bolstering the sinister seductive sound is a technical masterwork. Chris Meservey and James Sewell, the duo behind Stop Motion Dinosaurs, have put on together virtuoso performance that captures their wide spectrum of talent. I am not well versed in music theory, but the composition of this song fits together like Johnnie Cochran and Gloves. That is to say, it builds its case until it exonerates it's darkness in a deluge of acoustic waves.
Part pop, part folk, all fire. "It's Only Love" insists upon you making sure your social media accounts are set to private.